Monday, July 27, 2015

Guest Post by "GLADE"

One of the best things about being in Texas for the summer is all the amazing people I have had the chance to meet.

Among them are writers with such high caliber that I stand awed by their work.

Having considered myself an aspiring writer for as long as I can remember, I suddenly felt as if I had forgotten how to translate thought onto paper.

And then I met "Glade" 

Her writing inspired me to not give up on this dream of mine.

I wanted to know what inspires her.

And so, I asked her to do a guest post for this blog talking about just that.

Look to the moon. See how bright she is, like a silver coin in the sunlight.

 Perhaps if you stare at her long enough, you will see your own face in her shiny reflection. 

I love the moon in all her forms and colors: A blue tinge in spring; ivory in summer; yellow, orange, or rusty in fall; frosty in winter. 

But always beautiful, ever mysterious, never the same.

     The moon is a mirror that reflects our lives, I think.

 Our faces shine with the sun's borrowed light, Our circumstances and emotions change as the moon shifts the tide. 

Humanity is often the bright beacon in a midnight world, though I'm the first to admit that the moon has its dark side. 

Throughout the month, more and more of the darkness can be seen.

 And yet, we always focus on the silver crescent rather than the shadow--even though there's far more darkness than light most of the time.

 Light always seems to win.

     And that inspires me, gives me hope. I suppose that we are the moon and, whether in fullness or sliver, our light comes from the sun


Sometimes, we need to turn to someone else; someone that we admire and find out what they take inspiration from in order to inspire ourselves.

And so I thank "Glade" for being the person that I turned to.

And for reigniting my passion for writing.

It's the one thing that always seemed to make sense. 


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